Is It Safe To See The Dentist During COVID-19?

The COVID-19 outbreak continues to have major effects on our day-to-day lives, and if you have been delaying dental care due to COVID-19, you still may not be sure if it’s safe to see the dentist for treatment. At Today’s Family Dentistry, Dr. Jared Cox and the rest of our team members are taking a number of precautions to keep our patients and our staff safe during this difficult time. Learn more below!

Appointment Temperature Checks & Pre-Screenings

We will ask you about a dozen pre-screening questions and have you fill out a quick questionnaire before your appointment. 

You’ll be asked if you’ve felt any symptoms recently, such as a fever, loss of taste or smell, or other indicators of COVID-19. You’ll also be asked if you’ve been exposed to anyone who has tested positive, and you’ll be asked about recent travel. 

We are also taking temperature checks of each patient upon arrival. If your temperature is abnormally high, you may be asked to come back for a new appointment at Today’s Family Dentistry at a later date. 

Social Distancing At Our Office

We have reconfigured our office to encourage patients to maintain 6 feet of distance between each other and between our team members. We ask that patients come alone to their appointments in order to minimize contact while they wait for their appointments.

We ask that you wear a face covering to your appointment to protect yourself and protect our team members. You may remove the face covering before your treatment begins at our office, but it must be worn at all other times. 

In addition, we’ve made some scheduling changes at our office to reduce the total number of patients in our facility at any given time, ensuring your safety at Today’s Family Dentistry. 

PPE For All Team Members 

Our front office team members are wearing masks to protect themselves, and our dental team members are wearing additional PPE. Our staff will look a little bit different, but we’ll still be providing the same excellent dental care in Searcy! 

Enhanced Operatory & Common Surface Sterilization 

We always follow all requirements and recommendations from OSHA, the ADA, the CDC, and the Arkansas Department of Health to sterilize patient operatories and instruments between each patient visit. You can trust us to maintain a safe, clean environment where you and your family can get the dental care you need in Searcy. 

Don’t Delay Your Dental Treatment – Come To Today’s Family Dentistry Right Away! 

If you need preventive care in Searcy, you have a sore tooth, or you have any other issues with your smile, don’t wait to get the care you need. At Today’s Family Dentistry, we’re taking every step we can to keep you and your family safe. Contact us online or give us a call at (501) 268-3223 to schedule an appointment in Searcy right away!